• Domestic Pest Control

Seen a mouse around the house or have a wasp nest under the eaves? Maybe the dog has brought in some unwanted guests that need to be gotten rid of? Why not get in touch with us here at Complete Hygiene Solutions? We provide a top quality service and a great price, coupled with years of experience in the industry. We pride ourselves in being able to provide you with the coverage and response of a larger company, whilst still maintaining the personal customer service of a smaller company.

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Rat Prevention & Control

Poor sanitation and the presence of rubbish help rats to survive in residential areas.
Good sanitation will effectively limit the number of rats that can survive in and around any building This involves proper storage and handling of food materials and refuse, and elimination of rodent shelter (harbourage).

Outside dog pens must be properly maintained to reduce potential rat problems.
Good sanitary practices will not eliminate rats under all conditions, but will make the environment less suitable for them to thrive.

Rat-Proof Construction.The most successful and permanent form of rat control is to make their access to structures impossible. Ideally, all places where food is stored, processed or used should be rodent-proof. Food containers should have tight fitting lids.

Seal any openings larger than 1/4 inch to exclude both rats and mice. Openings where utility conduits enter buildings should be sealed tightly with metal or concrete. Equip floor drains and sewer pipes with tight fitting grates having openings less than 1/4 inch in diameter. Doors, windows and screens should fit tightly. It may be necessary to cover edges with sheet metal to prevent gnawing.

Diseases carried by Brown rats

Salmonella – carried by all rodents. This can cause mild to severe gastric illness.

Trichinosis – Pork roundworm. Initially the worm lodges in the intestines, but the larvae may invade the muscles to form cysts that are often resistant to drug treatment.

Rat Bite Fever – Murine Typhus spread by lice on the animal, they die of it, but not before they have passed it on.

Weil’s Disease – Leptospiral Jaundice (Leptospirosis). Symptoms are initially flu like, with a severe persistent headache; if someone exhibiting these symptoms has been in an area where there are rats, then they should seek immediate medical advice as this potentially fatal condition can cause damage to the liver and kidneys and needs early treatment.

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Wasps are known to sting even when they are not provoked.

A sting can be extremely painful especially when you have an allergic reaction. Wasp nest removal is therefore required when you notice a level of activity of wasps in and around your property in order to reduce the risk of being stung.

When dealing with wasp nest removal it is vital you do not attempt this yourself. Wasp nest removal can be extremely dangerous, multiple stings can lead to a hospital visit and in rare cases where wasps have stung inside the mouth or other sensitive areas even death.

We provide a fully guaranteed wasp nest removal services in your area and provide a same or next day response so we can remove your wasp nest problem quicker than anyone else.

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Common Mice Problems

There are two types of mouse that are commonly found inhabiting a home: the light brown field mouse and the smaller brown or grey house mouse. Both species are of a size which allows them to get into wall cavities, through small holes and around the house without necessarily being seen by occupants.

However, because they carry diseases, they need to be removed at the earliest convenience after an infestation is discovered.

Additionally, it’s important to locate the cause or point of entry for the infestation in order to prevent it from happening again. Once on-site, our team can pinpoint the problem, whether it’s in the roof, vents or doors, and make recommendations which can be easily implemented.

Common Signs of Mice

If a mice infestation is left to develop it can become extremely difficult to control. Mice have flexible skeletons, allowing them to squeeze through tiny gaps around your home.

They reproduce at a rapid rate; litters can be as big as 14, and females can produce up to 10 litters a year. This causes the issue to soon become unmanageable, so it’s crucial to seek mice removal services if you notice signs of mice.

Mice Droppings Identification

Mice are unsanitary rodents, defecating frequently and leaving up to 80 droppings a night.

Their droppings are small (around 3-8mm long), dark and often found around food sources, including cabinets, bins, shelves and storage boxes. Pay particular attention to the insides and tops of cupboards, as well as along skirting boards.

Mice are nocturnal; however, not the most inconspicuous, so the signs should be easy to spot. Living or Dead Mice: Unless you have pets that regularly bring in their prey, spotting a mouse is a clear indication of an infestation.

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Ant Control

Ants can find their way into your home at any time of the year; but become the biggest nuisance in warmer months, as they seek food for recently laid larvae. As the temperature rises, these pests begin breeding, causing an influx of male ants – often winged – which swarm windows in people’s homes.

How to Get Rid of Ants in the Home

There are various do-it-yourself ant powders and bait stations available, which may provide some relief to the problem; however, it’s unlikely a full ant infestation will be eradicated using only DIY treatments.

Ant treatments made available to the public, for example in gardening stores, are of a low concentration. This is to adhere to health and safety regulations and limit non-target poisoning, but also means these treatments are less effective.

In addition, the general public aren’t trained to use these treatments as effectively as possible and only qualified, trained pest controllers have access to the most superior chemical treatments.

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Silverfish are pests that thrive on humid conditions. Damp areas, including bathrooms and kitchens, as well as any dark and isolated spaces within your home, are at risk.

The name, silverfish, derives from their silvery, light grey colour and fish-like movements. People tend to see these small, wingless insects as a nuisance, rather than a threat; however they are unhygienic, especially in large numbers.

It’s common to find the odd silverfish in uninhabited areas of your home, for example, a cupboard under your stairs, but if left alone, they may breed. This can soon lead to infestations in kitchens, bathrooms and other areas of the house as they seek food, usually sugary items

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Cockroach Control

Cockroaches are a tough insect and need to be exterminated professionally. There are a number of ways to clear infestations, including:

  • Heat treatment
  • Freeze treatment
  • Chemical treatment (including sprays and fogging)
  • Food substitute gels
Should I be worried about cockroaches?

Cockroaches carry diseases such as salmonella, typhoid and dysentery and any sign of cockroaches should be dealt with by professionals immediately.

About cockroaches

Cockroaches can be found in homes and businesses, particularly in the catering sector.

They will be drawn to areas of poor hygiene, but can quickly move to find more suitable areas where they can eat and breed.

Cockroaches can rapidly grow in number; they go from egg to sexual maturity in 10 weeks and lay 30-40 eggs on average.

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Common signs of fleas

How do you know if you have fleas in your home or business? There are some common signs to look out for:

  • Bites – fleas bite humans and pets to feed on blood so they can lay eggs.
  • Pets scratching – fleas will often make a home in the fur of your dog or cat, causing them discomfort.
  • Sightings – fleas are very small (approx. 1mm), but sometimes can be seen, particularly when a property is empty.

Fleas are mostly associated with pets, but can also be found in other places like beds, carpets or sofas. They are able to live for months without food and it’s very difficult to eradicate them and their eggs without specialist treatment.

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Types of flies you might need to eradicate
  • Blue Bottle
    Bluebottle flies are attracted to rotten food, bins and rubbish.
  • Cluster Fly
    Cluster flies are often found in attics and cavity walls and are often seen around window frames.
  • Fruit Fly
    Fruit flies can be found around fermenting fruit and other sugary items such as beer and alcohol.
  • The Mosquito
    Mosquitoes and midges gather near water and can bite.
How we remove flies

Depending on the species of fly, the most effective ways to eradicate them are fogging or fumigation.

We also use a residual chemical that will continue working for weeks after the initial treatment. This residual chemical will ensure our treatment is long-lasting and that flies don’t return.

About fly infestations

Infestations of flies can grow quickly and can cause serious hygiene issues. Flies carry and spread diseases including salmonella and E-coli, which are a concern to both homeowners and businesses

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